A Message From

Our Administrator

As we prayerfully begin each day, we give thanks for what the Lord is doing at SCS and for you and your family.  It is our mission to partner with parents to provide an excellent education grounded in a Biblical worldview.  Parents are encouraged to become involved in their child’s educational experiences, such as field trips, classroom parties, Parent/Teacher Organization, and other school activities.

We understand educating a child takes teamwork. It is important that parents and teachers work together to provide the best education possible. Our goal is to impact the lives of children in such a way that causes them to seek after God and glorify him in all they do.   We stand firm on Proverbs 22:6 that states “Train up a child in the way he/she should go and when they are old they will not turn from it.”  We strive to instill Christ-like character in our students and also teach them to apply scripture to their daily lives.

It is a privilege and blessing to serve as Administrator of an amazing school and be a part of what God is doing at SCS.  If there is any further way I can be of assistance to your family or you would like a tour of our wonderful campus, please contact me through the school office at 254-965-4821.

In Christ’s love,

Michelle Castillo
